What is an Operational Plan
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Oct. 2016
It is an official document in which those responsible for an organization or entity establish a series of objectives that they wish to meet. In other words, it is a strategy general in which it is indicated what you want to achieve and what are the steps to achieve it. Normally an operating plan is carried out on an annual basis and for this reason the acronym POA is used, that is, Annual Operating Plan.
The goal of any operational plan is for an organization to locate, visualize and project itself. Obviously, these types of strategies are designed to achieve certain goals. It could be said, in summary, that to execute something successfully it is necessary that there is previously a planning.
General considerations on operational plans
Any operational plan (of a private company, an NGO or a public body) has to contemplate a series of ideas:
- The operational plan document generates information for the correct decision making in order to achieve strategic objectives.
- The process of elaboration An operational plan could be synthesized into three main questions: what is the current situation of an entity? Where do you want to go? and finally, how are we going to achieve the desired objectives?
- The success of an operational plan depends on several factors. On the one hand, that the document has been prepared in an adequate manner and with the maximum possible rigor. Second, the people involved in the plan need to be involved in the draft (the best strategy without proper involvement becomes dead paper). Third, the plan has to incorporate elements of anticipation so that it is possible to adapt to any type of circumstances. Finally, it is highly advisable that the plan be the result of consensus and participation of all the people involved in the project.
Possible errors related to operational plans
- The first mistake would be to make a plan but not believe in it.
- Any strategy or plan works well if there is someone leading the project, so the absence of leadership weakens the effectiveness of the plan.
- If the available information is not reliable, the operational plan cannot work.
- Certain mental barriers become a brake.
- Organizational systems must be operational and it is not acceptable that some of the functions to be performed are on nobody's ground.
- If he work team you are not involved in the plan, it is very likely that the project will fail.
Photos: Fotolia - Gstudio / Stockillustrator
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