Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2009
Through the colloquial term it refers to that which is proper to the conversation oral of everyday type. Because within the colloquial use all those words that are characterized by a common, frequent and direct use enter, mostly used in an informal, familiar and relaxed context, such as the one that stays with friends, family, co-workers, among others and that he will stay away from all kinds of rhetoric and what is framed in the rule cultured.
Except in science, because it can lead to misunderstandings and false interpretations, the colloquial use of language is not only tolerated by some academies of language like that of the Royal Academy of the Spanish language, but has also been accepted and incorporated into it, contributing to the wealth and evolution that a language always presents with the passage of time.
In the Spanish language, among some of the most widespread and used expressions almost by everyone and that belong to what is called colloquial use, are: What's up? How's it going? How are you? What's new?
Since it is common to make some mistakes and sometimes many believe that vulgarity is then part of colloquial use, it is worth clarifying that although colloquial language is characterized by its simplicity and informality, what it will not accept are phonetic errors or expressions that border on the inappropriate.
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