Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Nov. 2009
The concept that concerns us in this review has several uses in our language and that we will review below.
Establishment or institution in which some type of education is imparted
In the educational field, for example, the word has an importance and widespread use is already used to refer to all establishments or institution in which some type of education is imparted, especially basic and compulsory training, such as education initial, primary and secondary, being able to provide them publicly or privately.
A school is the physical place where students, children and adolescents, receive from teachers the teaching of basic knowledge in various subjects such as mathematics, social Sciences, biology, languages, among others. On the other hand, we must emphasize that there are schools specialized in different subjects and which can be attended by individuals of any age.
The school organizes its activity basically around a system: one that assumes that there is a party that must learn certain knowledge and another party responsible for teaching it. Normally, the school for children or adolescents focuses on the idea that the teacher or teacher are responsible for the entire teaching process, placing students in a much more important role passive. This may vary at other levels of education, especially if we are talking about an adult student body, who may have a more active attitude in this process. In addition to these mentioned parts, we find other actors such as the authorities, responsible for conducting and guiding the educational process in general terms.
Very important social institution in the processes of socialization and knowledge teaching
We cannot avoid addressing this concept that the school is a very important social institution in the processes of socialization and teaching of knowledge. It is through them that people learn about geography, mathematics and history, to read and write but we also learn to live with our peers.
Composition of the school: classrooms, blackboards and others
The school space is mainly made up of areas known as classrooms. Classrooms are classrooms of varying sizes with an appropriate number of desks and seats for all the assistants, and with a blackboard that is the place in which the teachers explain the contents to their students. They also have materials and resources didactics that seek to promote and facilitate learning. Usually, schools have different types of classrooms that are adapted to different educational needs (classrooms for practical activities, for computing, for art, for music, for physical education, etc.).
Types of schools
Schools are generally differentiated by their gratuitousness, that is, those who attend them do not pay and it is the state that takes care of their maintenance in every sense. On the other side of these are the private schools that do demand from the student the payment of a monthly fee to be able to attend.
On the other hand, we can distinguish schools by the ideology or belief system that they propose for their students, such is the case of religious schools and the military. In both cases, the student who attends them will be specially taught with regard to the religion they profess and the military stamp, respectively.
Other variants are technical colleges and artistic colleges that precisely provide students with special training in both technical and art issues.
Now each of these, from their belief, system, methodology, seeks that students develop at the level of knowledge and also as people, for tomorrow to be efficiently prepared in the role that they play in society.
We must emphasize that the most common synonym for school is school.
Group made up of people who carry out the same profession
On the other hand, the concept of school is used to designate that group that people make up who display the same profession, such is the case of the Bar Association, Medical Association, write U.S.
The mission of these schools is to order and organize professional practice, to ensure that it is fulfilled in a satisfactory manner that is governed by ethics, and for defending the interests of the members associates
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