Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2011
The word chicken is used to designate the breeding of birds and especially chickens, although, the word is also used to refer to the rooster or young hen, mainly those that are destined to the consumption.
The domestic rooster, also called Red rooster is a domestic bird that belongs to the familyPhasianidae and one of the four species within the gender known as Gallus; It is considered one of the most popular birds on planet earth, since it is estimated that they exist around thirteen million copies.
The roosters and hens are mainly raised for their meat and for the eggs they produceHowever, its feathers and some of its species are bred and trained to be used at the behest of the cockfighting, an activity originating from Asia and that proposes the combat between two roosters of the same gender or race to entertainment of human beings.
It's about a herbivorous and insectivorous bird, that is, it feeds on plants and insects and a special feature is that it cannot distinguish the sweet taste, while most do not like the salty taste. Depending on the breed, they have a life expectancy that ranges from
5 and 10 years.Males and females are very different on the body, the former are much larger than the latter and have a large reddish crest, which is used as symbol from his domination.
As a consequence of artificial selection by man, roosters and hens have lost the ability to fly. The rooster produces a sound called singing, which will accompany you at different times of the day.
For its part, chicken meat It is one of the most popular foods in the world, in addition to being a tasty food, its low cost has led it to be consumed worldwide. Has a extremely high nutritional value since it is digested much better than red meat. Although chicken meat is consumed, compared to chicken meat, it is tougher and requires a longer cooking time.
And the other use of the word chicken occurs frequently in the language current and colloquial to name that one young guy, especially with respect to another. Juan is the boss's chicken, he has been preparing it for him to happen when the circumstance comes.
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