Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Francisco Cano, in Aug. 2014
Robert Gaskins developer of Power point. He led Microsoft's first company, outside of his own facilities.
Power point is a program that if it did not exist would have been invented, since it is a app essential for a company. Who does not remember those slides that were taught with a 35 mm projector.
To summarize its history we will say that back in 1987 one of its developers Robert Gaskins managed, after much trying, to sell his company to Bill Gates of Microsoft for 14 million of dollars. A short time later in that same year of 1987 Power Point 1.0 went on sale.
Power point is a program that is dedicated to presentations. It has a basic template and on that worksheet you can add whatever you want. Text in various formats, images of any kind, videos, music, in short, anything that can be conceived with computing, in a matter of communication.
All of these objects can be moved, rotated and positioned as desired by the creator. Once the first sheet is finished you can start with the second template, then the third, fourth, until you reach the number of sheets you need. Once saved your
draft you can create one presentation to show your products. There are many characteristics that define a presentation but the most important could be the possibility that when passing Between one cover sheet and another we can make the previous one fade smoothly or abruptly, depending on our taste.Any idea, no matter how ridiculous it may be, can be presented by powerpoint. Here is an example of leaf design.
These changes between pages are called transitions and can become an art when setting up a presentation. We are referring in this writing, to the aspect business of power point but it is also used to present anything, from political ideas, beliefs religious, jokes, praising people, whatever you want to create you can do with Power Point. The philosophy The "do it yourself" has been the key to this program. In the old days, projector slides had to be ordered and cost a lot of money.
Going back to its history, after the purchase by Microsoft the reason for the name power point it is lost in the night of time. It is a program that is also used on the Mac platform. The fact that Mac also uses this program does not mean that they are compatible, this means that if you create a Windows power point presentation you can only run it on another Windows PC and vice versa.
Finally, point out that presentations for groups of people are usually made from a modern PC projector.
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