Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jul. 2015
Appearing is the action by which a person appears in a place, usually because they have been summoned in advance. The corresponding noun is appearance (for example, "I have an appearance before the judge next week").
Appear is a word in common use, although it is usually used in a formal context or with an administrative nature. Thus, if someone goes to the house of a friend that term would not be used.
Appear in court
The action of the Justice it is accompanied by a specific terminology and to appear is a word of the legal field. When in the process of a investigation, a judge needs someone to present her testimony on a matter, requests the appearance of those people who can provide relevant information.
If someone appears in court it does not necessarily mean that he is investigated but that his participation to testify something.
If someone finds himself in the circumstance that he must appear in court in a legal process, he has to have present that he can do it himself (which is legally called appearing "pro se") or with the assistance of a attorney. What
rule In general, it is recommended that any appearance in a legal process be accompanied by the legal advice of a specialist.Appear in Parliament
In the different parliaments, the representatives of the popular sovereignty are obliged to appear periodically. The purpose of this action is to give explanations in the representation chamber so that the opposition groups can raise their alternatives or questions.
In parliamentary language, it is very common for opposition groups to pressure members of the government appear and give the appropriate explanations about the government action.
Appear before God
In the religion Christian there is the idea of a Final Judgment, in which God will judge men based on what they have done throughout their lives. In the Final Judgment of Christianity, humans must appear before God, who will act as a tribunal, giving each one his due.
In any of the different contexts mentioned (legal, political or religious), appearing implies that someone is going to be tried in some way. Each of the appearances has its nuances: the judge must abide by what the court dictates. lawIn parliament there is a procedure that regulates appearances and in the Final Judgment the human being will be judged from divine omniscience, that is, God's knowledge of everything.
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