Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2012
The most widespread reference to the word, without doubt, is that of competence that is given among the applicants to obtain the prize that said competition proposes for whoever is the winner of the same.
Competition in which individuals who aspire to achieve the award proposed by the same participate
Normally, this type of test involves the presence of a qualified jury in the field of competition, which evaluates the performance of each participant, and finally issues a score for such work that will determine the winner of the same.
And there are also competitions in which a jury does not mediate and the contestants measure their skills and knowledge, among themselves, and the winner is the one who manages to defeat the other one hand in hand.
It should be noted that this type of competition can involve people, companies, organizations, among others, and can occur in various areas such as: political, economic, business, artistic, among the most common.
Human resources: procedure from which applicants for a job position in the private or public sphere are selected
At the behest of human Resources, the competition, is a very common type of procedure in this area from which applicants can be selected to occupy a vacant position in a company.
Applicants, generally, are subjected to different tests that involve part of the work they will perform, and then the The evaluation professional will analyze each performance to discern which is the most relevant candidate for the position.
There are some tasks or jobs that can only be performed by professionals with specific knowledge of the area, and therefore the contest allows to choose the best.
Meanwhile, in the field ofpublic administration, the contest is an action that a municipal or national government can summon to choose the provider of a service, or the company that is in charge of carrying out a public work.
The call is stipulated under certain conditions and the most outstanding option, consistent, and that meets the proposed requirements, will be the one that finally gets the job.
This procedure that administration public implements it to hire a service, or a company, for the execution of a public work, it also applies it to hire staff.
Avoid nepotism
There are some areas of the national, provincial, or municipal state that only hire employees after public tender in order to guarantee the transparency of the contracted from the state and avoid any type of privilege or nepotism, something certainly very common to appreciate in almost all the governments of the world, in which the On-duty rulers, taking refuge in their power, hire only friends or family to occupy positions, despite not being prepared or suitable to deploy the same.
Unfortunately, the aforementioned is a very common and widespread practice throughout the world, and especially in those countries where corruption prevails. and an authoritarian profile, because of course, opening the game so that some positions are carried out by people who do not agree with the same ideas can imply a threat to the continuity of power, or for now that is what the authorities who act by electing friends to occupy public positions believe.
Some ministerial portfolios, for example, require specific training that not everyone can fill, because a career path is not enough. politics To do so satisfactorily, specific knowledge is required that only the study can report, such is the case of diplomacy.
Normally, the ministry of foreign affairs is headed by politicians aligned with the government of the day and this situation tends to undermine the correct functioning of a policy Exterior.
Career diplomats are relegated because they do not have a strong political profile and this fact often generates complications in relations with the rest of the world.
Presence of people at an event
Also, the word contest is used to indicate the presence, attendance of individuals at an event or place.
Yet the help or collaboration provided by someone it is also designated as a contest.
It is not in this case the expression more common and popular, since in our language we use concepts such as the aforementioned collaboration more instead, although it is totally correct to use the word in this sense. “Without the help of all of you, we would not have been able to build the new school..”
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