Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Mar. 2012
The title of congressman is applied to all those people who are part of a congress. Etymologically, the word congress comes from the Latin term comgressus which means something like "walk together", "move forward together". It is understood that in abstract terms, this walk together represents working together in a specific and particular space in which people meet to make decisions. The congressman is normally associated with the legislative spaces of each country, be it a Parliament, a Congress, a Legislature. However, a person who attends or participates in a special congress dedicated to dealing with specific topics in an area, for example a congress on medicine pediatric.
In the political sphere, the congressman is perhaps one of the figures most important of the democracy since he is the one who is in charge of carrying in his voice the voice of the people, in representation of which he has been chosen. The congressmen, who form the legislative power
, have not always existed in the history of governments since they often only had executive power. The congressman is mainly dedicated to the enactment of laws that have to do with the territory in which he resides (for example, an Argentine congressman, will not be able to determine laws on issues that concern another country or international). In general, the position of congressman is temporary and usually lasts between four to eight years depending on the country as well as the type of congressman we serve. reference: while deputies are part of the lower house and tend to last less time, in some countries senators hold office for a greater number of years.The congressman is located in the space in which all the congressmen gather, usually together with their colleagues from political party, if any. It has many functions to develop and normally the votes for or against a law proposal are not the only thing for which they are responsible but, on the contrary, they should dedicate themselves to permanent meetings to debate different topics, to the drafting and improvement of laws, to the participation in special commissions, etc.
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