Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2013
The prevention is he result of specifying the action to prevent, which implies the take the necessary and most appropriate precautionary measures in order to counteract a loss or any damage that may occur.
Take special measures with the mission of reducing damage
So prevention is have certain issues or actions in place to reduce a risk or damage.
It is worth clarifying that it turns out to be a condition without equanom that prevention is arranged in advance, that is to say, before the moment in which it is believed that the dangerous situation will occur from which it is necessary to defend and take care of oneself.
For example, if we are going to go on vacation with the car, it is necessary to take the basic precautions to avoid suffering a dangerous setback on the road that could turn into a fatal accident.
The main action to be carried out will be to send the vehicle for a detailed technical review, in an authorized workshop and confidence, that takes care of reviewing each of the circuits and mechanisms to be able to go safely on the route.
If we make such a review, it will be practically impossible for us to have an accident as a result of a damage to the car, that is, by sending it to the workshop we will be reducing to a minimum the possibilities of risk.
It should be noted that the action of preventing with the mission of reducing the succession of a mishap can be applied in the most diverse contexts and situations and also with different objectives: in health, in business and finance, in the game, in the sport, in the car, as indicated above, in our home, among so many options.
One of the best actions to prevent diseases, accidents ...
The scope of the medicine is one of the contexts in which prevention is heard the most, since the appearance or not of diseases, in many cases, is closely related to this question of being prevented or not before the same.
If I suffer from a lung disease and winter comes, the coldest season of the year, and I do not heed the advice of my doctor of Shelter myself, avoid going out at the coldest hours, surely, I will worsen my health and in no way will I be preventing me.
Domestic and road accidents, among others, are some of the most common events that cause the most damage to health and life they cause, for example, it is very important to attend to the most frequent in order to be able in some way prevent them.
Normally, prevention is a very effective action, which, if developed in a compliant way, in whatever aspect or context, usually reports very good results.
With only a series of measures that are implemented individually or collectively, it will be possible to prevent harmful events occur, or lessen the harmful impact of them, if their succession is inevitable.
The home is one of the places in which the most is owed implement these actions, especially if there are children and the elderly, people very prone to accidents, children due to the lack of conscience, and older adults because they can no longer help themselves.
Do not clean the floors with slippery products, use the kitchen with great care, do not place the handles of pans protruding the kitchen for example, place a non-slip mat at the exit of the bathtub so as not to slip, not leave within the reach of children toxic products or medicines because they can take them, check that there are no gas leaks, deficiencies in electrical installations among others.
Outside of our home, and those who drive a car must always do so with the greatest possible responsibility since it is a lethal weapon if it is not done in this way.
In addition to the corresponding technical checks, the safety belt must be tied safety, younger children should be seated in the back seats, you should not talk to the phone mobile while driving, among the most relevant recommendations.
Meanwhile, in the workplace, the health of the employee should be protected, especially in those risky work activities, such as in the building where it is common for the worker to be injured.
So it must be provided with adequate and resistant clothing, appropriate footwear, helmet placement, among other elements.
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