Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Mar. 2010
Within what is known as family or relative relationships, typical of the human being, we find different individuals who are the result of a important variety of links between people. Some of these links are central to an individual's life and have to watch with the training of the family nuclear (father-mother-children), while others are secondary and have to do with non-primary and distant relatives according to the distance that is established. In this last group we find the character of cousin or cousin that is established between the person in question and the children of her uncles.
The relationship between cousins arises from the moment that at least one pair of siblings each have offspring on their own. Those new individuals, children of each of these brothers, establish in turn in a manner natural a type of kinship that occurs only between them and that can carry different degrees of importance depending on each family in particular. This type of relationship is that of cousins or cousins. In many cases, the relationship that occurs between cousins or cousins is a relationship similar to that between siblings, but Due to the indirect blood bond, this relationship never equates to the fraternal one, at least in terms biological.
Needless to say, the link between a pair of cousins or cousins can vary greatly in each case. family specific. While in many families the relationship between cousins or cousins is not of great relevance, in many others some cousins or cousins may be closer to each other than to their own siblings. This can be due to various causes such as distance of age, common interests, form and way of raising of both individuals, geographic proximity, etc.
The cousins or cousins can be direct when they are both individuals children of siblings. When family relationships become distant from each other and second or third uncles emerge, the relationship of the cousins becomes more distant. In many cases, political cousins are also spoken of when people who do not maintain a blood bond but who, through marital unions, join the family join the family.
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