Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2014
Deprivation is one of the most used words in our language when we want to indicate the following situations: the shortage of something that turns out to be elementary to our lives, the loss of Liberty in any sense or of what was available.
When a person and his family live in extreme conditions poverty it is usual that he refers to this state of affairs through the concept that concerns us: Mario and his family are experiencing many hardships since he lost his job.
A situation of this type will surely imply the difficulty of buying all those products essential for subsistence, such is the case of food, clothing, some remedies in case of diseases.
Deprivation can also be caused by income insufficient that someone perceives. If a couple has many children and only the father works for a medium to low salary, that family is very likely to suffer from deprivation of some kind, that is, must give up buying certain products or doing certain recreational activities because the money will certainly not be enough to cover what basic.
Normally, deprivation in the sense just exposed tends to trigger in those who suffer from it, resentment towards those who do not have this problem, or it also tends to trigger deprivation. commission of crimes, such as robberies, in order to obtain quick money and cover necessities.
For example, this type of situation must be dealt with in time by governments through policies that alleviate this at a certain point and that allow a greater inclusion of people who are in these conditions.
On the other hand, when a person who is proven to have committed an offense is sentenced to comply with a conviction for it will go to prison, then, from this situation inevitably the person will be deprived of their Liberty.
Also, when someone is held against his will by another, does not allow him to go out to the street or move from the place where he is, it will be said that he has been deprived of his freedom. Kidnappings are one of the most common ways to deprive someone of their liberty.