Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2009
A set is the grouping, class, or collection of objects or, failing that, of elements that belong to and respond to it. category or group of things, that is why they can be grouped in the same set. This relationship of membership that is established between objects or elements is absolutely and possibly discernible and observable by anyone. Among the objects or elements capable of integrating or forming a set are, of course, physical things, such as tables, chairs and books, but also by abstract entities such as numbers or letters.
Sets are the subject of study of the math and surely most of those who are reading the review about the term have learned what they know about them in the math hours in the school.
Some basic considerations to take into account when dealing with sets is that they can be decide in two ways: by extension and understanding. By extension when the components of a set A that contains natural numbers less than 8, for example: A = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}. And it is said that it is determined by understanding when only a common characteristic is listed that all the elements that compose it gather. For example: set A is made up of primary colors A = {red}. It can also be that two sets are equal to each other because they share all the elements that compose them.
Traditionally, for describe The elements that make up a set are opened with braces and if necessary, since they are more than one element, they are separated through the use of commas.
When it comes to representing the sets, we may find ourselves in the following situations: union, which is the set of all the elements contained in at least one of them; the intersection that implies meeting in the same set of all those elements that are repeated or share a pair of sets. The first is represented with the two sets united and painted the same color, marking that union and in the In the second case, the union of the middle of these two sets is depicted as common, which is where the same elements.