Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2010
In its broadest sense, the term forecast It refers to that anticipated knowledge of what will happen in the future through certain indications, signals, symptoms, intuitions, study, previous history, among others, that follow one another fulfilling a function of ad.
"Seeing as he is making an effort in the study, the prognosis about his future work is really auspicious."
Knowing in advance about something that can be predicted through various scientific elements or intuitions: extensive use in medicine and meteorology
On the other hand, at the behest of medicine, a forecast will be that judgment that the doctor will form, from the symptoms that a patient manifests, about the foreseeable development of a disease.
Within the same scope, the reserved forecast turns out to be that indeterminate medical opinion that will be issued when the symptoms are not sufficient to determine in effect a diagnosis more specific or because some type of setback is expected in the effects of an injury or in the evolution of the patient's condition.
On the other hand, on Meteorology It is where the concept has become most popular and recognized. Because there a forecast, or rather the weather forecast, is the application of technology and science to predict with sufficient certainty the state that the atmosphere presents and will present in a future period of time in a given region of the planet.
The most effective way to achieve a true forecast is to collect as much data as possible on the atmosphere in question, humidity, temperature and wind, for example.
Knowing how the day will be today, tomorrow, the day after or the weekend has become such an important issue for people, defining from her programs or activities or how to dress in the morning, therefore, it is that such information is part of the headlines of any newspaper or program of teavee. Very few people today leave their home without first seeing or reading the forecast.
The forecast is the result of the action of forecasting, which is the same as venturing about what has not yet happened but that by signs, indications, it is possible to anticipate.
Intuition versus science
It may be that many of the forecasts that are made in some contexts are made without arguments or solid bases, such is the case of a forecast of the numbers that may be drawn in the pool, or the team that will be the winner in a match sports.
In these cases what will intervene is the intuition of the person and not a investigation solid about it that allows you to determine it.
Now, the medical prognosis or the one performed on the weather Yes, it is carried out through a study in which they intervene resources and scientific elements.
Although there may be a mistake or a prediction that is not accurate enough, the forecast will have a scientific basis.
Today, nobody goes out or plans something without knowing the weather forecast
This relevance that people today attribute to the weather forecast has to do with the fact that many of the daily activities that we carry out can be complicated or favored by the weather, from planning an outing with friends to the result that you can see a harvest if there are too many or too little rains.
As a consequence, weather forecasters or meteorologists have become key pieces in the media today. communication massive, there are even pages of Internet that are exclusively dedicated to informing about the weather and of course our smart phones allow us to download applications that instantly offer us detailed information about the weather in our city and that of any part of the world that we want to know.
Basically, meteorologists predict the weather in a specific area by connecting data, from weather elements such as temperature, humidity, rainfall and winds with techniques and technological tools such as satellites.
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