Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2013
The term of consultation presents several references in our language, while in the use colloquial a query is the advice or the opinion that a person is asked about a topic or question in which they normally This turns out to be an expert or has outstanding knowledge to help us solve it.
Advice that is requested from an expert or knowledgeable person on a subject
“I ask you a question, how do I get that app What are you telling me, on the phone?”
Search for data in a documentary source or on the internet
On the other hand, the word query also designates that data search action, information that an individual performs in a book, in a document, in a journalistic publication, among others, with the mission of gathering information and finding out about a matter. “The practical work demands that we carry out constant searches in the technical manual.”
In other words, people carry out consultations in order to achieve more information, knowledge, in relation to a question of interest.
All that information that is collected will allow you to meet goals.
Depending on the activity and the objective, the sources of consultation will be variable, although, we must say that they are usually books, reports, documents, and Internet, the common places at the time of consultations.
We cannot ignore that in recent years, the internet has become a mass consultation space in which individuals from different ages and with different activities and professions come together to ask questions about a topic or obtain more information about something.
Undoubtedly the instantaneousness and closeness that almost everyone today has with the network of networks thanks to the provision of a computer, a tablet, or a mobile, generates that when there is a doubt about something, or more information is needed on an issue, we all go first Internet measurement, then, if the required information is not obtained or does not feel that it is complete, it is usually continued with other sources.
Appointment that a patient has with a doctor to treat a disease or illness
At the behest of the medicine, the word query presents a hyper popular use since through the same one is denominated to that appointment that a patient, sick, makes with a doctor to treat a certain condition or pain that he suffers.
In the medical consultation, which is normally carried out in the office where the doctor attends, or in a health center, the patient must tell the doctor about her ailment, or the reason of her consultation so that he can respond satisfactorily to her demand and resolve it.
In this talk that both have, the doctor will ask the patient certain questions, he can even physically examine him to decide the cause of his condition, and in those necessary cases, in the same consultation, he can ask you to perform some practices to learn even more about his condition.
In the meantime, he often suggests ways to proceed that will also help you solve your pain or consultation problem.
The medical consultation is a substantial step so that the patient who comes to it can solve a problem of health that you already know you have or in which to solve an untimely ailment that complicates its development normal.
Private offices, specialized health centers or hospitals are the places where doctors attend to consultations for their patients.
In order to get to this consultation, the patient must contact the center or the doctor's assistant, by phone, and request a consultation.
If it is urgent, the doctor will see him as soon as possible in an over-shift so that the patient does not expect too much type depending on the doctor's schedule, which is often bulky.
In recent times and thanks to the fantastic emergence of technology in all areas, many health centers offer their patients the possibility of requesting a consultation online without having to call or go to the office doctor.
This proposal is faster and offers the patient the possibility of choosing more convenient days and hours of attention.
Another use of this word in widespread use in our language is to name the conference carried out by some professionals with the mission of solving, unraveling some problem.
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