Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Dec. 2015
A password is a key that allows access to a place, either in the real or virtual world. Passwords are used for various reasons: to preserve privacy, to maintain a secret, as a measure of safety or as a combination of all of it.
Passwords in fiction
In the movie theater and the literature the password concept has its leading role. Consider, for example, children's stories in which to access a mysterious place it is necessary to know the password. Something similar happens in gangster movies, in which criminals must protect themselves and for this they invent a code access (a password or passcode) without which it is impossible to enter a premises. On the other hand, knowing the password or not represents an aspect that brings a certain mystery and tension to the plot (in detective films it is investigators often try to figure out the criminals' password, something that usually happens at the time of the denouement movie).
The password in the virtual realm
We need access codes for a large number of activities: to access the online bank account, for a Paypal account, the mobile phone, the ATM, the
email, the account of Facebook And a long etcetera. There are so many that we use that it is very useful to write them down on a piece of paper to avoid forgetting them.Its purpose is obvious: to ensure that the Username of the same is the owner of a service. In this way, possible fraud is avoided, as we must not forget that computer experts (hackers) have the ability to sneak into our devices. This circumstance makes it highly recommended to use passwords that are not obvious (for example, our date of birth or first and last name).
Therefore, not all passwords are equally good and experts emphasize some recommendations (not leave passwords visible, change them periodically, use a different one for each operation or use software administrator password).
The term password presents a series of synonyms: password or access code are the most frequent. Somehow, the passwords have become the new keys. We carry keys to enter the house, to open the car or the mailbox. And the same happens with our access codes, which allow us to manage ourselves in the virtual world.
The problems associated with passwords have generated some alternatives, the best known being the ID through biometric methods, especially fingerprints or the identification of users through the retina.
Photos: iStock - kutubQ / Alessandro2802
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