Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in May. 2014
>> Proverb or saying are terms commonly used synonymously. They refer to ideas or opinions to briefly describe some circumstance in life. Sayings or proverbs have a popular origin and belong to the tradition oral of a culture. There are thousands of them and they are part of the personality of each town. Each language has its own expressions, its way of understanding life and the set of that knowledge is what is called the proverb.
There are sayings related to all subjects: love, hate, old age, beauty or money. They have a direct and very clear message, since the user intends to summarize a complex idea in a few words and, to achieve this, the proverb is very descriptive and useful.
It is also used as a reflection or as an advice that is offered to our interlocutor. If we are in April and it rains, it is very likely that someone will say the well-known saying "in April, the waters are thousand". The richness and variety of proverbs and sayings is inexhaustible. In fact, there are posts that list most of them, sorting them alphabetically or by topic.
Some sayings are disappearing because they stop being used for some reason. This is what frequently happens with all negative expressions related to women (beautiful woman, or crazy or foolish). In a society like ours, where the role and recognition of women is commonly accepted, it is inappropriate and even offensive to use this type of saying. And if someone did, they would be considered an uneducated or vulgar person.
In the literature universal the proverb is used in some very specific circumstances; when the characters in a play have a humble origin and a not very refined culture. For this reason, they do not abound in the history of literature, although they do in the specific case of traditional culture, whether in the novel, the theater or any other genre.
It would be impossible to put a date and specify the origin of the proverbs and sayings of each language. They are actually totally anonymous. Its use belongs to the popular tradition that is passed from generation to generation. The verbal transmission of the proverb belongs to a time (most are typical of the Middle Ages ) in which the common man was illiterate, since the obligatory nature of reading in most advanced countries was reached very late. This does not mean that its value disappears; their importance lives on, as they are useful, funny and expressive in many circumstances of everyday life. In addition, they are part of our past and traditions more ancient.
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