Definition of child prostitution
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2011
Theprostitution childish It is an activity that is classified as a very serious crime in most of the laws of the world since it involves the submission of minors under 18 years of age to sexual contact with individuals of legal age in exchange for a commitment to pay a a certain sum of money or any other benefit that the adult offers to the minor in exchange for obtaining their services sexualAmong these, the following stand out: reception of material goods (clothing, cars, houses), obtaining some job or the promise to improve your quality of life.
Although child prostitution is a social reality that abounds and is characteristic within the lower classes of a society and in those poorest nations of the world, neither it is reduced only to these and it is also common that in other social categories cases such as the one mentioned occur, being other the conditions imposed in exchange for the offer sexual.
Unfortunately, and although as mentioned above, child prostitution is absolutely
banned in almost all the countries that make up the planet Furthermore, its practice will bring severe punishments to adults, far from being eradicated, since the practice of it is closely linked to scenarios of poverty and marginality of difficult resolution. In other words, to solve this scourge, to eradicate it completely from the face of the earth, it would be necessary to solve hunger, lack of job opportunities and so many other situations that end up leading to prostitution childish.Most of the research that has been done in this regard shows precisely what we are commenting on, that there are many factors (economic needs in the home, domestic violence that ends with the flight from home, the search for self-sustenance, the drug addiction and exploitation by an adult) which determine that a child decides to take the path of prostitution.
The consequences that child prostitution unleashes in the kids who suffer from it, among the most prominent are: suicide, murder, depression, alcoholism.
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