Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2011
The word boxer refers boxer, that is, to that individual, whether male or female, who engages in the practice of boxing or box.
Boxing is a sport contact extremely popular in the whole world that consists of the fight of two opponents or opponents who fight each other using only his fists with gloves and being able to hit the opponent from the waist up, within a ring designed for such activity.
A boxing match or match is made up of brief sequences of fights known as rounds or assaults.
Boxing is regulated by a regulation that in addition to the basic conditions of the game, it also regulates the weight categories that the sport admits and the duration of the matches, among other aspects.
Meanwhile, in a broader sense of the term, the word boxing implies a wide range of contact practices in which the opponents fight from fist blows, such is the case of the traditional boxing, kick boxing, thai boxing, japanese boxing, among others.
Although traditionally and historically boxing only admitted the practice of men, in recent years the panorama has opened and they have really become a true
entertainment the fights between ladies.Meanwhile, the term boxer is closely related to other terms such as: fighter and contender, which are also used as synonyms for the word boxer.
And by his side, the boxer at rest or boxer of the Termas is the name given to a sculpture from bronze 1.20 meters high that was found in the Baths of Constantine, in the city of Arles, southern France. It was found in 1885 and is believed to have come from the ruins of the baths of Costantino; the realism incredible who owns the piece makes think that he is an outstanding boxer of the time.
The sculpture represents a fighter sitting on a rock after a fight and turning his head violently. He is dressed in a loincloth and in his hands he wears gloves made up of thick leather strips, which surround his knuckles and leave his fingers free; the body shows no signs of violenceInstead, her face, her ear, and his nose are scarred.
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