Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in May. 2011
The cougar is a mammal which is part of the family of large cats found in the wild (such as the tiger, lion, leopard, panther and others). Its scientific name is Puma concolor and is today in a state of no threat in regards to your conservation, unlike other felines such as Bengal tigers, which in the face of illegal hunting and trafficking activities have significantly decreased in number. The puma is a carnivorous mammal, which means that it feeds on other animals that it hunts using its force so much bodily as dental.
We find the puma throughout all of America, from the north in Canada, to the south in the Argentine and Chilean Patagonia. Renowned for its beauty and attitude mysterious, the puma is easily identifiable because its skin usually shows a light brownish color without spots or specks. In some cases, this color can vary in shades and have some lines of white or black. The lower part of the body is usually completely white, which is considered to have to do with the
evolution of the species and its exposition to the sun. Cougars have a large and robust body, with very strong and thick legs and a head that tapers towards the nose. As with other big cats, the cougar can be quite large, measuring almost three meters long and weighing more than 120 kilos.Cougars are usually animals that do not live in community, that is, they are solitary. This makes it even more difficult to spot an animal of this type in its wild environment (if we add to this that cats are always very elusive animals). The only time that the cougar lives in community is when a mother has had young but they are soon independent. In addition, cougars tend to be much more active at night than during the day.
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