Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2014
The concept that will occupy us next is closely associated with the commercial world and therefore it turns out to be a tool that he marketing it tends to lay hands.
The concept was popularized and installed in our language through the acronym of its name in the English language: CRM (Customer relationship management) what put in words of our language it would be something like the customer relationship management. That is precisely the CRM, a management system that deploys a company or company in relation to its clients and that consists of combining the most basic and traditional commercial techniques that have been used since ancient times with the possibilities that new technologies open to us today in terms of information.
Basically the CRM what is proposed is the storage of information on all customers to be able to use it when necessary and thus in a double action to be able, on the one hand, to satisfy their needs as well as study the market to improve the
strategy commercial company, that is, through CRM the company will be able to develop a sales strategy that guarantees success in this regard.So customer relationship management or CRM will act in two directions to achieve its goal. On the one hand, it will concentrate on obtaining data from its customers through different information channels, it will try to know them in depth, what needs they have, expectations, among others, and then obviously act accordingly and satisfy to the extent of their possibilities.
And on the other hand, in order to fulfill the sense set out above, the CRM proposes an oiled system of tools and applications that the company or company in question will manage to manage the information you have on your client portfolio. Among these, undoubtedly stands out that which consists of obtaining information through telephone communications with customers in which they can provide their opinions.
When we communicate with our telephone company mobile, either to make a query or a claim, generally, a recording offers us to answer a survey about the degree of satisfaction of that call. This is a clear example of CRM.
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