Definition of General Culture
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Juan Navarro García, in Apr. 2016
General culture is understood as the set of knowledge that a person possesses on a wide variety of topics, whether they are acquired through regulated study, investigationautodidact, wave experience of the events that occurred throughout his life.
From a practical point of view, rather than for app of this knowledge in a specific area, the general culture serves to have a better criterion and a greater breadth of vision.
That is, having a broad general culture provides a perspective broader in the world, since it allows us to understand it not only from the parameters of our own culture, but also understanding the motivations and reasons that lead others to behave in a way different.
Bases of general culture
Although general culture is cumulative and never stops being built, the foundations for culture are often provided in the school by means of a series of subjects that are considered essential so that the individual can subsequently function normally in any field.
Thus, Math are an important part since they are present in actions of daily life such as the exchange of goods and money. Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing can be considered basic actions of general culture without which, endless activities would be problematic.
History and Geography They are also considered as pillars of general culture, since on the one hand they give us a background on the events that occurred prior to our presence in the world, and on the other, they give us an orientation of where the different peoples, countries and cultures that inhabit the Land.
Language, for its part, teaches us to express ourselves with precision and in this way facilitates the ability to communicate and transmit ideas.
From here on, the field of subjects that general culture can cover is infinite, since knowledge knows no limits. However, it is important to note that the objective of having a broad general culture is not to master these subjects but to have as many references as possible that allow us to structure our own ideas in a coherent way and supported by arguments.
The development of a broad general culture allows us to better understand our environment and the events that take place in it, since to assess each fact we have a range of explanations and causes that we can contrast and that allow us to arrive at our own conclusions.
Photos: iStock - annebaek / urfinguss
Topics in General Culture