Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2011
The term cradle It has several references depending on the context in which it is mentioned.
The most frequent use of the term is that which refers to the small bed intended for kids little ones, that is, it is the resting place that parents have for their baby after birth until the child scope dimensions to occupy a bed of traditional dimensions.
As a result of the special use of cribs, they are characterized by having bars or side protections that will prevent the falls of the small child , which is by nature restless, especially when sleeping.
Formerly, the cradles in addition to the aforementioned bars of safety They had semicircular feet that fulfilled the function of rocking to prepare the child for sleep, that is, the slow but constant movement from the cradle made the child fall asleep; Meanwhile, today, this custom has practically disappeared except for those most attached to what traditional, then, the aforementioned semicircular foot has been replaced by wheels, which simplifies the problem of mobility and also, if you prefer, the wheels can be used to imitate the movement that the foot allowed circular.
In the market of today and yesterday, there are and existed, endless models of cribs made in diversity of materials such as: plastic, wood, metal, iron, among others. One item that many cribs include is the canopy (ornament that is placed forming a species ceiling) from which hang some fabrics whose primary purpose has been to protect the baby from light while their rest lasts, although many also use it for aesthetic purposes. Normally, bows are tied on the canopy or a bell or any other sound and mobile element is hung to capture and entertain the baby's attention.
For children who are already three or four years old, the crib models are larger and have higher sides to avoid jumping or falling.
On the base of the crib there is generally room to place a small foam mattress that makes it more comfortable.
Although, the word cradle has other quite common uses as well... The homeland or place of birth of someone is called cradle. Argentina is the cradle of him, he will never stop returning despite living and working abroad.
A person's lineage and lineage is also called a cradle. Juan is a person from a very humble birth.
And the origin of something is often called a cradle. The cradle of European culture.