Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, on Sep. 2011
The name of conservatorship is one that is applied to the process by which it seeks to protect and care for people considered not qualified to manage themselves. Conservatorship is a benefit that can be acquired by disabled people as well as minors age that require the presence of a guardian or caregiver to carry out their life activities everyday. The conservatorship is established after the competent legal and judicial authorities estimate the particular situation and decide to choose a person qualified for that function. In some cases, the role of caregiver may be occupied by one of the two parents (in the event that the other has died or is unable to fulfill such homework) as well as by persons specially prepared and designated for such position.
In the field of JusticeThere are some people who are not considered capable or fully developed to perform certain actions or activities. Among them we find, on the one hand, the kids and adolescents and on the other to those who suffer from some type of
disability (These may be of legal age). The guardianship is a legal figure that is established then to facilitate the development of those people and to prevent them from facing situations that by their own means they could not solve with total normal.Some of the responsibilities of the caregiver or conservator acting from the conservatorship are control (although not dispose of) the goods and the heritage with which the person has, in their mobility, care and protection especially in public spaces, to assist the person in various actions.
It is important to note that the conservatorship does not understand that the caregiver or conservator is a legal replacement or legal of the disabled person if not that he understands it as a assistance or complementation especially for those actions or situations that cannot be resolved naturally.
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