Definition of corrective gymnastics
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Dra. Maria de Andrade, CMDF 21528, MSDS 55658., in May. 2018
The gymnastics corrective it's a kind of physical activity based on gymnastics, seeks to use the various postures and routines in order to improve disorders of health related to a wide range of muscle disorders.
Gymnastics is a sports practice of an Olympic nature, which has several modalities. It is based on the strengthening of the muscles through physical activity performed with a choreography established, also achieving skills and abilities in the various movements that involve the coordination and the Balance.
Is discipline It also has different types, these include rhythmic, artistic, aerobic and acrobatic gymnastics.
Benefits of corrective gymnastics
The different routines of gymnastics can be implemented as part of a physical enhancement program with a rehabilitative purpose. Typically, routines are developed in a group class that is led by an instructor.
Physical activity combines aerobic warm-up exercises with exercise endurance, these can be targeted to specific muscle groups in order to:
- Improve postures
- Tone and strengthen the muscles
- Help relax areas of stiffness
- Release tension and muscle contracture
- Increase the range of movement of the joints
- Improve motor coordination
- Increase physical endurance
- Improve balance
Who can benefit from corrective gymnastics
This technique can be carried out by people of any age. The benefits it offers are very useful not only for sick people, healthy individuals also benefit from maintaining a muscular system toned and, especially, from making corrections in a large number of inappropriate postures that are held for long periods of time almost perfectly automatic.
In the long term, these postures are what generate changes in the dynamics of the joints that will lead to the appearance of various health disorders.
The conditions that can benefit the most from corrective gymnastics are musculoskeletal disorders.
Diseases such as scoliosis, osteoarthritis, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and injuries to the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine can improve by strengthening regional muscles and engaging in activity that stretches affected muscles and structures.
This results in pain relief and increased ranges of motion. When this type of activity is carried out constantly and regularly, other benefits are associated, such as increased physical resistance and greater tolerance to exercise.
Photos: Fotolia - scusi / hiro
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