Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Mar. 2010
Understood as one of the most important and inherent virtues of the human being, generosity can be described as the attitude of giving or giving oneself for or for another individual or living being. The term generosity comes from Latin, generosus, concept that refers to the noble and virtuous origin of an individual. Although in ancient times the word was related more than anything to a question of lineage and nobility, nowadays it is used to mark the virtue of surrendering for the benefit of those who love it the most. needs to.
Generosity can be understood as one of the purest and noblest virtues and characteristics of the human being. that always implies agreeing to help or assist another who needs it voluntarily and without anyone forcing no one. Generosity, at the same time, can mean entering a situation of less comfort or convenience when it comes to improving the situation. of another, for example when different elements are donated that are of common use for a person but that are more necessary for another.
There are several ways to do acts of generosity, be it donating time, objects, money or any kind of assistance or support. In this sense, one can be generous in different spaces, situations and moments, both in an organized and pre-established way (for example, when is part of a charitable organization) or in everyday life, spontaneously and suddenly (such as when helping a person cross the street old man or blind).
The opposite of generosity and altruism is he selfishness, that trait that is based on the extreme importance given to oneself over others. Although current societies show a high rate of egocentrism and individualism (caused by interest in the material and in the satisfaction needs), there are also significant samples of solidarity that can be expressed in specific events (in the event of a catastrophe) or in simple facts of daily life.
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