Definition of Pineal Gland
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Dra. Maria de Andrade, CMDF 21528, MSDS 55658., on Aug. 2018
The Pineal gland is a structure located deep in the nervous system. It is also known as epiphysis.
It is located in the midline, towards the back of the brain, near a cavity filled with cerebrospinal fluid known as the third ventricle. just below the posterior end of the corpus callosum.
It is a structure that has been conferred a variety of mystical properties since ancient times, when it was thought to be the seat of the soul, they even called it the third eye. Is belief lasted until well into the twentieth century when research confirms its regulatory role in processes related to circadian rhythms and the sleep cycle.
Responsible for important functions
This gland is responsible for producing two important substances: melatonin, hormonederivative of serotonin, related to the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle and the dimethyltryptamine produced during the phase of sleep related to rapid eye movements (REM sleep) which is the phase of sleep in which we dream.
The pineal receives nerve endings from the retina, in this way it obtains information about whether it is day or night. When the amount of light it perceives from the environment decreases, it begins to produce melatonin, which leads to the initiation of the processes that lead to sleep.
In this way we see that the activity of the pineal gland marks time to the various systems of the body, being responsible for the adaptation of hormonal systems to a production cyclical, thus influencing its functioning.
When light stimuli are active, the production of melatonin is inhibited. For this reason habits such as watching television or bright screens such as mobile phones and tablets at night, are bad habits that can disturb sleep, especially sleep.
Other functions of melatonin
In addition to regulating the sleep-wake cycle, melatonin has been shown to have an important effect on the immune system.
Although it is not well established, it is possible that this hormone allows a better functioning of this system since several studies confirm that melatonin is able to inhibit the progress of some types of malignant diseases, especially breast cancer. On the contrary, the failure in the functioning of the pineal gland favors the appearance of disorders like depression and cancer.
Another function related to this hormone is create the signals that indicate the moment in which the puberty.
Photo: Fotolia - Normaals
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