Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2009
The term manager is designated as the person who in a certain company or organization has the responsibility and the tasks of guiding others, of executing and giving orders and of getting things done in order to be able to fulfill the objective and mission promoted by the organization in a certain and correct manner..
Although the mission a manager holds will largely depend on the type of industry and the characteristics context in which it operates, its basic skills and responsibilities will include the following: increase the state of the company's technology, give a certain orientation and direction to the organization, perpetuate it, always work in favor of the productivity, satisfy and maintain a cordial relationship with employees and satisfy the wishes and demands of the community in which the organization is inserted.
Also and in addition to the responsibilities, a manager, as a consequence of the purely executive position he performs, will have a series of specific functions that he and only he will perform in the company in question... the
hiring of the rest of the positions, in one way or another, must pass their approval, the evaluation about performance and compliance carried out by the rest of the departments in which the organization is divided, planning and developing goals and objectives to be met in the medium and short term, together with the annual resolutions that are generally raised at the beginning of a new year or towards the end of one, the more approximate that of these can be done and that in many occasions will depend, in addition, on the approval of a higher stage than the one found in the manager.From everything we mentioned above it follows that, To achieve the position of manager in an organization or to maintain it, as the case may be, the person must have three types of skills: technical, human and conceptual.
The first can be obtained through the formal education or through experience and implies the ability to use technical knowledge, methods, techniques and the most appropriate means to carry out the tasks mentioned above and the analytical capacity to transform all this into positive results for the company in which it is plays.
The skill Human is the one that will allow you to function naturally and effectively as part of a group, achieving, for example, the cooperation of the rest with your cause and purpose.
And finally, the conceptual ability will be the one that will allow you to visualize the company as a whole, with its components, the interrelationships between them and think, if changes are made, how will these affect the functioning Of the same.
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