Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2013
The Geophysics is that science that allocates its study and investigation to study the planet earth from a physical angle precisely, that is, its structure, its composition, the evolution that crossed in time, and the atmosphere; It is a branch of Geology that is considered the science of the earth par excellence, and it is also considered a branch of Physics..
Branch of Geology and Physics that studies and investigates the planet earth from the physical plane: structure, components, evolution ...
It then addresses issues such as the structure, physical conditions and evolution of the earth.
Mainly, it uses quantitative physical methods for its study and some others based on gravity, electromagnetic fields and radioactive phenomena, among others.
This is precisely because it is a discipline of an experimental type that needs, yes or yes, the observation of various natural phenomena, or those induced by the researcher, in order to make its conclusions.
Branches into which it is divided: internal and external
In Geophysics we can find two great parts that are its essence, internal geophysics and external geophysics.
The internal one deals with those endogenous phenomena such as plate movements, deformations that occur on the surface, volcanoes, earthquakes, while the external will deal with the exogenous, that is, with the physical factors that influence the planet earth and the influence of the earth on its environment, such is the case of the magnetic field, the weather, ocean phenomena, among others.
But let's look at it in more detail ...
The Internal Geophysics, for its part, deals with covering all that involved in the interior of the earth, being its main subjects of study: seismology (study earthquakes and everything related to them), geothermometry (analyzes the extent of heat on the earth), geodynamics (It focuses on the study of deformations and stresses made by the earth and that generate movements in the mantle and in the lithosphere), geophysical prospecting (is in charge of locating natural resources such as: water, oil, caves, and also archaeological remains), geophysical engineering (It is in charge of locating mineral and hydrocarbon deposits and is also involved in public works or in any construction in general), tectonophysics (addresses the tectonic processes that end up deforming the lithosphere) and volcanology (It is in charge of the study of volcanoes and typical questions of these such as magma and lava).
While the External Geophysics focuses on the study of physical properties of the earth's environment, being its most important sub branches: geomagnetism (studies the magnetic field generated by the planet itself and the one induced by the earth and the solar wind in the ionosphere), paleomagnetism (studies the magnetic field of the planet but in its beginnings), gravimetry (is interested in the gravitational field of the planet), oceanography (his main subject of study is the oceans), meteorology (study the weather), aeronomy (analyzes the upper layers of the atmosphere) and climatology (Study the climate of today but also yesterday's).
Earthquakes are undoubtedly one of the best known phenomena that geophysics deals with as a consequence of the gravity they pose to human lives and material goods when produced, sometimes in a unexpected ...
It is about shaking or tremors that occur in the earth's crust and that cause internal displacement, and that is transmitted over a long distance in Format of waves.
Assists and associates with other sciences: engineering, hydrology, meteorology, oceanography
The knowledge of the planet earth through geophysics is possible by the pure theory that investigates the evolution and characteristics of planet earth by means of methods such as reflection physics and refraction; but there is also a practical or experimental arm that turns out to be fundamental and this makes it a discipline whose methodology It is widely used by others, such as civil engineering when it comes to water and oil exploration, among others. resources.
It is also linked to sciences such as hydrology, meteorology and oceanography, among others, because it also focuses on waters, winds and other phenomena.
Own or related to geophysics and professional who is dedicated to this matter
And the term is also used to designate everything related to or related to geophysics or the person who is professionally dedicated to the study of this discipline.
The geophysicist or geophysicist must study specialized university studies to be able to act professionally as such, generally the degree lasts five years.
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