Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2015
Physical characteristics and peculiarities
Cow It is one of the most popular mammals that exist in the animal kingdom. It is herbivorous, that is, it feeds on herbs and plants for which it is a scenery It is common to observe cows in large fields feeding in this way. It is also recognized for being the female of the bull and an integral part of the so-called bovine cattle. Meanwhile, at species it is formally called Bos Primigenius Taurus.
On the physical plane it is characterized by presenting a significant size, the average usually weighs more than half a ton, a very thick head that culminates with two horns, hard skin, short hair of various colorations, the most popular and recognized being white with black spots, limbs that end in hooves with a pair of fingers, and a certainly long and bristly tail towards its end. Meanwhile, regarding its height, it is usually found at one and a half meters.
Its meat and its skin, economically precious products
It should be noted that this type of cattle, especially the cow, is widely raised by humans to take advantage of its meat and milk and many other derivative products that are produced precisely from these. For example, cow hair is used to obtain leather, one of the most precious materials in the leather goods industry.
And not to mention its meat, without a doubt, beef is the most consumed by human beings, it is the basis of the feeding in almost all the world, consuming all the parts of the cow, without exceptions. In places like Argentina, beef is widely popular among Argentines who consume it a lot, whether it is baked, Roasted, among other alternatives, and also highly valued by those who visit the country who know about the good meat that is found there. produces.
Movements that doom his exploitation
Now, just as there is a great production that takes advantage of the products obtained from this animal there is also a great controversy by those who defend their rights and condemn their killing both to obtain food as by-products, such is the case of vegetarians and the most extreme, vegans, who condemn the killing of cows and any other animal at all costs.
We must also indicate that in the languagecolloquial the word is used a lot to refer to that person who is certainly overweight, because of course, as we have already seen in the physical plane, the cow is characterized by its large size bodily.
Themes in Cow