Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2009
The word vacation is normally used to designate that period of time in which a person or group of people does not carry out any type of activity that has to do with issues labor. It is a right what does each person have, being a period in which all the activities or tasks that we carry out on a daily basis are interrupted, whether related to the field labor as well as educational, understanding the school and university.
Although there are people who do not move anywhere and can stay at home enjoying the holidays, with the premise of "doing nothing", of not having schedules, and even more, to schedule activities that cannot be carried out due to daily obligations, we must emphasize that vacations are characterized by the trip to somewhere. In this sense, destinations that offer relaxation are chosen, such is the case of the sea and the beach, although It is also common to take advantage of vacations to know some place on our planet that is unknown.
The beach, the most chosen holiday destination
Now, most of the people choose the beach to vacation and that is why these places are full of tourists when the vacation season arrives. In the southern hemisphere the holidays coincide with the heat and the same happens in the northern hemisphere, from January to March and from July to September, respectively. So in this way, when most choose the beach as a holiday destination, they can fully enjoy the scenery and what it proposes.
Bye to stress, hello to relaxation
Holidays are also understood and taken as the time of year in which a person can relax and de-stress to be able to begin another work year with greater energy.
It is not a cliché that vacations renew the person, allow him to rest and therefore renew the desire. The routine is certainly tremendous and more when you accumulate a whole year of complying with work or student obligations, among others.
Just as leisure is necessary at some point in the week, vacations are very important in the sense of allow the person to disconnect from their daily life, to be able to rest and do what they cannot during the year.
Usually, vacation periods happen once or twice a year, towards the end of the year and close to end-of-year festivities such as Christmas and New Years, and also in the middle of the year, taking advantage of school breaks, according to corresponds.
An acquired right
The notion of vacations is typical of modern societies in which industrialized work, planned and governed by quite rigid schedules is one of the main characteristics. Historically, the different work tasks that human beings could perform did not distinguish between work time and rest time (beyond some very brief moments that had to do more than anything with religious celebrations): the man worked throughout the year but did not do it as intensively as the human being would later industrialized. Enjoying relaxation and rest were exclusive privileges of the upper classes.
It would not be until the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that holidays began to be spoken of as one of the most important rights for any person regardless of their social status or homework
In this sense, it slowly began to be recognized that, along with family allowances and retirement, vacations were essential for workers to get so much rest. bodily as mentally and enjoy the effort of a whole year. And then it is that they became an acquired right contemplated by the legislation.
Without a doubt, we must place vacations as one of the most important social achievements of the last century.
Holidays usually cover periods of ten or fifteen days, in some cases up to a whole month depending on the type of work. Each of these periods is paid, which means that the person continues to receive her salary despite not attending work. In this sense, the tourism has grown greatly today and it is normal that for certain times of the year a large part of the population you are traveling to tourist destinations to enjoy your holidays alone, as a couple or with the family.
Vacation Themes