Definition of Hybrid Vehicle
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jan. 2018
When talking about a vehicle hybrid reference is made to the use of two differentiated power sources for the purpose of producing Energy Y movement. As a general criterion, a vehicle is a hybrid when it has two engines, one electric and the other gasoline.
The driving of these vehicles adapts to the different driving circumstances.
When it is necessary to climb a hill the two motors drive in unison to optimize performance, when there is a deceleration the battery system recharges and at the moment in which there is a stop the two motors are stop.
Automotive experts say that after hybrid cars it is foreseeable that the following vehicles will be exclusively electric. In this sense, some brands are already beginning to design stacks of fuel of hydrogen to make the electric car fully viable.
Advantages and disadvantages
The main advantage is fuel economy. On the other hand, the driving is identical to that of any other vehicle. A factor highly valued by some drivers is the absence of engine noise and the
sensation of tranquility. From the point of view of contamination environmentally friendly hybrids emit very low amounts of CO2 in comparison with motor vehicles. As a general criterion, the costs of maintenance and repair are reduced.Despite the obvious advantages, there are some drawbacks. Being a relatively recent technology, the initial cost of these vehicles is higher than the traditional ones. On the other hand, in some countries the supply network of electric power it has not yet been fully developed and this adversely affects the autonomy of the vehicle.
It should be noted that currently hybrid batteries are not fully reusable, so when the Vehicle life expires, a problem occurs, just as it happens with batteries in other devices.
The cars of the future
From the appearance of the first automobiles in the late 19th century to the present, the automotive industry has continued to evolve. In recent years the first prototypes of driverless vehicles have appeared.
Experts believe that this new advance will revolutionize the way we get around and travel.
Photos: Fotolia - Cla78 / Olivier Le Moal
Hybrid Vehicle Topics