Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2012
The poison is a substance that once it comes into contact with the human or animal organism will cause tremendous ailments and conditions, and can even lead to death, if you are facing a fatal poisonous composition.
Toxic substance that once inside the animal or human body can cause serious illnesses, even death
Meanwhile, the aforementioned substance can be present either in a solid, liquid, or gaseous state, and as we indicated, once it enters the body in question, it affects it by altering functioning normal of some of the most important systems such as digestive, nervous, or reproductive, due to the toxicity present in its composition.
Now, the poison can either inhibit or shoot a chemical reaction.
Although a good part of the substances ingested or supplied in very high doses are capable of causing poisoning, in the case of poison it is The issue is even stronger and more forceful since only minimal doses are needed to trigger serious conditions, and even lead to death.
It should be noted that although there are no specific therapeutics for poisons, specific antidotes can be developed for some, which basically counteract its action.
Poison classes
There are different types of poison depending on the origin it presents, which may be: animal (It is one of the most common that we face since it comes from precisely animals, such as snakes, scorpions, and bees, among others), vegetable (It is the one that results from trees or plants considered poisonous, because they present toxic components that in high doses turn out to be so, one of the most popular cases is that of hemlock), mineral (among the most prominent cases the arsenic and mercury), Y artificial (In this type we find all those substances that man produces at the behest of industry).
That which is detrimental to health or that which discharges slander against another and causes a moral offense
And on the other hand, in the language colloquial, the word poison transfers the imprint of its meaning to express questions such as what is harmful to health, or that which triggers harm moral.
So when someone drinks alcohol excessively, it will be said that it turns out to be a real poison for your liver, meanwhile, when an individual unloads all his evil on another from extremely harmful comments and therefore causes a very strong moral offense, "it will be said that the same poison distils.”
In other words, at the behest of everyday language, the word poison will have a rather figurative use.
The resentment that someone feels for another, because he caused certain damage in her life, is usually the trigger when it comes to committing all his evil against him.
There are many ways to manifest this poison, for example, discrediting someone morally or professionally, publicly discrediting them through slander or verbal attacks.
Generally, the resentment that leads to distilling poison against someone usually comes from resentments originating in the past, which are not they manage to overcome, and that they end up dominating the person who does not know how to see another option but to punish the person who hurt them through expression of unpleasant manifestations about him.
It is important to say that just as the substance of the poison corrodes the organism and damages it, the poison emotionalTo call it somehow, it also corrodes the person inside, makes him dark and vindictive, and if she does not know how to overcome it in time, he can condemn her to a sad and unhappy existence forever.
Widespread method of homicide in police fiction
On the other hand, we cannot ignore the weight and presence that poison as a substance has had and still has in literary fiction, and in so many others such as that of movie theater, the tevé, or the theater, where precisely many authors and screenwriters have known how to use it as a method of murder in so many stories belonging to the suspense and police genres.
The use of poison in fiction is strictly associated with causing intentional death, that is, the murder of a person at the hands of another who supplies the poison.
One of the queens and references of thrillers and crime novels, Agatha Christie, has used this resource of poison in many of her fantastic and original creations.
Precisely many of her stories revolve around the death of someone because of a poison and continue on the path of the discovery of the intellectual instigator or the material murderer.
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