Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, on Sep. 2015
Guarana is a tropical fruit and is originally found in some territories in Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela. Its scientific name is Paullinia cupana, a species that has been scientifically known since the beginning of the 19th century and which receives this name in honor of the German botanist who discovered it, Simon Pauli der Jüngere.
Plant and fruit properties
The people of the Amazon already used this plant for its therapeutic effects. It was used as a natural stimulant, as it has a high level of caffeine (higher than coffee itself) that is beneficial to stimulate the nervous system: increases attention span and provides greater endurance physical. For this reason, its active principles are converted into capsules and are highly recommended to overcome depressive states or improve physical and intellectual performance. On the other hand, it has been shown to be a powerful antioxidant, preventing tissue aging and some cardiovascular ailments.
Among the indigenous people of the Amazon, this plant was the main remedy to cure
disorders very diverse: diarrhea, dysentery, headache, indigestion or fatigue. Its benefits are so remarkable that stimulant drinks and dietary supplements have also been created with this plant in recent years. The manufacturers of guarana products remember that it is a totally natural substance and nowadays some soft drinks include it for their elaboration. However, it has a number of side effects: hyperactivity, increased risk from disease kidney, thyroid disorder, allergic reactions, heartburn, loss of appetite and indigestion. Nor is it advisable to consumption in people with cardiovascular problems or pregnant women.In the world of hair cosmetics, shampoos are made with guarana, as it removes oil from the hair. On the other hand, according to some studies, guarana can help to recover the stimulus sexual.
Regarding the fruit, it has a slightly bitter taste, which is due to its main component, guaranine. In Brazil it is known as Brazilian cocoa. It has a bright red color and its seeds are used for many different purposes (to treat ailments already mentioned after a production process and in South America it is a highly valued ingredient in the cocktail bar). As a fruit it is used to prepare exotic fruit salad or in the form of natural juice.
The characteristics of this plant and its fruit have led to the creation of an associated concept, the guarana effect. Thus, a plant known to the inhabitants of the Amazon for thousands of years has broken into today's society as a novel substance related to physical well-being.
Photo: iStock - MagMos
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