Definition of Child Violence
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Maite Nicuesa, in Jun. 2014
The violence in any of its forms shows the relationship of submission to which a person is subjected, who, far from being treated as a person, is treated as an object because their rights are violated. There are groups that are especially vulnerable, for example, children and also the elderly. Protecting children and the elderly from potential violence is essential to creating a happy society. In relation to child abuse, it should be remembered that there are different forms of mistreatment that go beyond the blows. That is, it is also possible to mistreat a child on a psychological level by saying ugly words and insults.
The importance of care and love
But in addition, you can also mistreat to a child by not offering him the care he needs for her growth. The violence suffered by children results in problems with low self-esteem, problems with social relationships, distrust in others, poor performance in school, irascible character, excessive fears and sadness
. Every human being is worthy of love, cared for and I respectTherefore, when a person's rights are violated through violence, he or she becomes a victim of a crime. attitude destructive in the aggressor. Children sometimes silence violence in the home out of fear.Different forms of violence
The mistreatment Childhood can be exercised through different means, for example, sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse and physical neglect. The institutions and citizens have to fight actively to defend the rights of the most vulnerable groups so that children and the elderly have a good quality of life. It is important that every human being feels loved and loved at any time in life.
The childhood, the key moment of formation
The childhood It is that period in which children begin to discover the world and life. Those who grow up in a home where they receive a lot of love are children who, in adulthood, grow up with solid self-esteem thanks to all the love they received. On the contrary, those who suffered some type of violence in childhood may suffer emotional deficiencies that can be overcome, but that leave a mark on the mind because the childhood leaves a lot of mark despite the passage of time.
It is understood by abuse physical child any action that carried out in a conscious way can cause serious harm to the child. Children deserve to be happy.
Issues in Child Violence