Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2010
For the geologythe Volcanism are that set of geological phenomena linked to volcanoes, their origin and activity.
The concept arises and is closely related to Vulcan who in Roman times and more precisely for the Roman mythology, Vulcan knew how to be the god of fire and metals.
Basically, volcanism explains the training of the earth from the fire that is generated inside.
Volcanoes are those conduits that establish a communication direct between the earth's surface and levels deeper than the crust. The volcano, then, it is that opening that we usually find in the mountains and that from time to time expels lava, gases, smoke and ash through a process known as eruption.
The eruption in question will take place when the magma, which is the mixture of molten rock and gases, is under pressure, it begins to rise until it finally rises to the surface through the chimney of the volcano.
Meanwhile, we can find the following types of volcanoes, dormant or extinct volcano
(there are no records of its eruptive activity) and active volcano (They record eruptive activities or, failing that, they recorded them very recently).The super volcanoes, on the other hand, are those types of volcanoes that produce the more voluminous eruptions on the earth's surface. The magma that they expel usually cause marked and profound changes in climatic conditions of the place in which they strike, maintaining the aforementioned alterations even for long years and also usually leave as another shocking balance profound transformations in the scenery around the volcano in question.
The type of volcanic eruption, Hawaiian, Strombolian, Vulcan, Vesuvian, Pelean, among others, will be determined by the viscosity, temperature, composition and the elements dissolved in the magma.
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