Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Aug. 2017
Citizens with right voting that are outside the territory nationals can vote through the consulates and embassies of their countries abroad. However, for this it is necessary that they carry out some procedures and that, in some way, they ask the authorities of their country to cast their vote. Due to this, this procedure is known by the term requested vote.
The vote requested in Spain
Currently, Spanish citizens who reside outside of Spain are faced with a series of complex procedures to vote. First, they have to contact the Electoral Census Offices (OCE) in writing within specified deadlines to request the vote. In addition, they must do so by ordinary mail. Once the request, the OCE sends the ballots so that the citizen You can vote, either by mail or at the corresponding consulate.
The requested vote is not a modality traditional in Spain, but began to be used as of 2011 with the introduction of a new law electoral. Obviously, this situation has generated complaints among many citizens living abroad. His discomfort focuses on several aspects:
1) it is a system that hinders voting,
2) the established deadlines are short and
3) there are delays in sending ballots.
Due to all this, a significant number of votes are invalidated or many citizens decide directly to renounce their right to vote. This circumstance has generated platforms of protest and, at the same time, it has been proposed that the requested vote be definitively suppressed and that a more simplified system can be voted on and direct (for example, distributing ballot boxes and ballots in the different consulates abroad or through a telematic system in which the traditional ballot is not necessary).
In some countries, residents abroad can vote through a telematic system. With this modality, the requested vote would not be necessary
Telematic voting or electronic voting is already used in several countries for their citizens to vote abroad, such as Belgium, Estonia, the United States, Brazil or India. The procedure is relatively simple: an electronic ballot box is installed in each consulate, registered citizens are identified through a document official and then choose the option politics they want through a touch screen. In order for there to be a proof of the vote cast, the proof of vote is printed.
Although this type of vote is technically possible, some experts in electoral processes consider that it is not totally safe.
Photos: Fotolia - Jpgon / Atlantis
Subjects in Voto Rogado