Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2010
The concept that concerns us has several widespread uses in our language.
Belonging to the vulgar: popular sector of a society
When someone or something is branded vulgar It is because its characteristics, behaviors, appearance, among other issues, tell us that it is a worthy representative of the common people, as the common folk.
Rude, in bad taste
Meanwhile, the most common use that is given to the term, taking into account the aforementioned, is to refer to what is rude, ordinary, and in bad taste, and therefore deserves condemnation or a challenge.
Normally this type of behavior occurs in people who do not have good education or that are characterized by being disrespectful at all times and in all contexts.
Meanwhile, well-educated individuals do not usually present these types of vulgar actions, or for now they avoid them in those places where they can be unseemly or improper.
“Maria made an extremely vulgar gesture after defeating her rival. Talking with your mouth full turns out to be the habit more vulgar than I hate.”
The rudeness, the bad words, also called expletives, and some gesturessuch as raising the middle finger, picking the nose with the finger and holding the genitals with the hands, are considered as vulgar.
Anyway, as far as language Regarding, there are some words that only have a vulgar meaning in a certain society or community, precisely because of the acceptance social status that has been given to it, therefore, it may be that when it is used in another country its meaning does not refer to any connotation vulgar.
But beware, bad words do not exclusively make up vulgar language, but rather this type of language transcends bad words, that is, a person can speak very vulgarly without having used a single bad word. For example, when a young man in a supermarket tells a woman: run old, I can't pass, is using words that are not vulgar in themselves, however, the tone, the absolutely disrespectful way especially against a major make the comment to be considered very vulgar.
There are also behaviors and actions that a person develops that are associated with vulgarity and bad education, such is the case of talking while eating, or also eating with your hand without using the cutlery when the food yes demand.
Other targets of vulgar people are usually sacred issues or associated with taboo subjects in a society.
So it will be considered vulgarity for someone to break a religious image or to speak rudely about a saint or authority ecclesiastical.
On the other hand, vulgarity is often associated with sexual matters, for example, when someone is refers to sex using the most vulgar words that refer to male genitalia or female.
That common and without originality
Another use of the word is given to refer to that which is common or general and therefore opposed to the technical.
Also, when something appears lacking in originality it is often called vulgar.
On the other hand, as we have already said, vulgarity is closely associated with the bad taste that someone unfolds in some aspect, for example in the decoration of your house, or in the way in which you dress regularly.
Although many may argue about the latter that there is nothing done in terms of taste. law and that everyone has the right to dress or decorate your home with what you like the most, even if it is vulgar or lacking in charm and elegance, the truth is that the common of people observe these things a lot and question them when they consider that they are not within the parameters that are postulated as elegant.
In terms of clothing, it is usually considered vulgar to those hyper-tight or very short garments that many women usually wear. Dresses, miniskirts, among others, that show too much anatomy and curves are often seen as vulgar by much of the fashion establishment.
And finally we must say that at a certain moment in history those arts that were produced manually while being contrasted with those involving the intellect and believed to be higher and overcomers.
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