Definition of moral judgment
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2009
Normally and very rarely it does not occur, our actions, our sayings, generate opinions and evaluations of an ethical nature around us, we even carry out them ourselves with respect to the actions of those who surround. With this we want to express that it turns out to be very common that everything we do and say generates in others, appreciations of the type moral, ethical.
However, these considerations are usually rooted and based on traditions, uses and traditions who have a long history in the society in question, in the experiences transmitted by people close and also in even more widespread social conventions that, for example, are still shared among various cultures.
Formally, a mental act that affirms or denies moral value in a given situation or behavior is called moral judgment. we are witnesses, that is, the moral judgment that is given as a result will pronounce specifically on the presence or absence of ethics in a fact or attitude.
Moral judgments are possible thanks to the moral sense that each human being possesses. This moral sense is the result of the schemes, norms and rules that we have been acquiring and learning throughout our lives. Through our moral judgment we can establish whether an action lacks ethical principles or is contrary to them.
In the first instance it will be the family, parents, grandparents, who will transmit that information and precepts to us, then the educational institutions in which we intervene and who are left in charge of our training, and ultimately instance the environment in which we will develop, which will also tell us and indicate what is good, what is bad, it will guide us on the good, on the bad, among other issues.
Also and today more than ever, the media communicationAs opinion makers, they are fundamental at the behest of the formation of moral judgments. Many people overly appreciate the valuations that are issued by them and end up echoing them. For this reason, it is important that those who work in them are aware of this and responsible when communicating.
Then, when the case comes of having to make a moral judgment in a given circumstance, all that baggage, automatically reviewing our own experience as As a result of the request to express a judgment, will immediately make available to us all those teachings, beliefs and considerations about the good and the bad, that both the family, the school and society have been teaching us and that will help us determine if that act or behavior is framed in something good, bad, acceptable or not.
It follows from this that the education and the values that have been instilled in us since childhood will be fundamental and the basis on which we can determine when something is right or wrong.
Always, through moral judgment, what is intended to be done is to try to arrive at the truth of something.
Thus, the definition of something as morally good or as bad is not a whimsical question, in some exceptions It may be, but in the normal and usual way it is not and will then be closely linked with all our training moral.
Meanwhile, it may happen that due to certain issues, such as indifference, saturation or forgetfulness, they have been rejected opportunely those norms provided, then, surely, those who find themselves in this situation will find certain difficulties to the time to function in society, for example, if they rejected or were indifferent to the rules it will be practically impossible good coexistence or development of the person within a society, as well as the possibility of being able to judge correctly without making mistakes when something is right or wrong, that is, recognizing when something is done is good or bad.
Unfortunately in these cases the results are dire and the consequences very dangerous for those lacking moral judgment, because unfailingly, their behaviors and actions will be dominated by an unreason that will not pay attention to the fact whether their actions generate damage or conflicts.
The criminals are a witness case of what we are saying. The offender always lives contrary to the rule, what is socially agreed and what is naturally expected of a person. The marginal life will almost always end up destroying that assessment between good and bad and all those that the child has been inculcated in a timely manner about the moral values.
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