Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Play is one of the happiest experiences that children enjoy when they have fun thanks to leisure activities that are experienced as recess. However, at the other end is the door to the casino, the typical space in which you observe the loss of innocence, disease and sensation of not being able to get out of a vice that dominates. There are several threats that try to hide behind an idea that provides joys for the most people, using it to capture new "partners" and give another meaning to the word.
In Brazil, for example, casinos are prohibited, which reflects that it is possible to protect society when there is a will and force to face the business involved in these lotteries that play with life and emotions. Note that Brazil has many difficulties, however it is an example to follow at this point.
Given the since time immemorial man has used gambling as a resource to provide distraction and fun, there are an infinity of games, differing from each other because some require a strictly mental commitment, others of a participation primordial of the body or physical and others that require intervention fifty and fifty of both issues, mental and physical.
Of course, as a consequence of this question that I mentioned, games will help people develop mental abilities, such as the rapid resolution of problems, if the person has been affected throughout life to the well-known mind games or ingenuity, while those who, on the contrary, have known how to stand out in those games that involved the use of the body, surely, are more likely to offer a more developed and evident resistance and body capacity than those that did not. flaunt.
One of the sweetest facets
The boy's time flies while he is sharing forms of entertainment in which he experiences such pleasant emotions as illusion, joy and the motivation.
Since this is a fun way to learn. In fact, in kindergartens, children's camps and toy libraries, the enjoyment of the game is promoted as a context of learning that motivates the child.
In addition, around this form of leisure children also put their social skills into practice, that is, they make new friends and learn to share.
Benefits of creative leisure
From this vital perspective, this concept shows the reality of a totally happy experience that produces numerous healthy benefits: positive outlook on life, discovery of the world, development of the creativity and curiosity, practice of personal skills...
There are many different types of toys. The traditional ones stand out, for example, the dolls. But in the technological context, new formulas such as video games are also born. The popular ones are those practices that pass from generation to generation, linked to the social culture of a people.
In fact, in adulthood it is an experience of self-esteem, have nice memories in the park with other friends.
Regarding the methodologies of the games, we find that they have clear rules or regulations that each participant or player must strictly respect if they want to participate.
Ignorance or lack of respect for any of these will imply the sanction or expulsion of the same. Meanwhile, regarding the result, which is what is most enjoyed and remembered about the game, things are also clear and without nuances: there will be on the one hand a winner and on the other a loser, who reached such circumstances by applying the best strategy or possible force to solve it and the worst, respectively.
Although gambling is an activity more typical of childhood, adults also use it to relieve their stress and it is undoubtedly an activity of strict fulfillment as a child since it implies a social interaction that will help the developing individual to learn and get used to life in an environment Social.
Problem gambling
However, there is another negative concept of gambling, one that occurs in the context of an addiction that produces dependence in the patient who lives by and to satisfy the emotion of that need that conditions.
For this reason, in order to overcome this problem, it is essential to start treatment for gambling, carried out by expert psychologists and psychiatrists.
This problem produces numerous problems of loss of money, that is, the suffering can lead to financial debts. But in addition, the patient also lies to his closest environment to keep his real problem a secret.
The addiction occurs at the same moment in which the patient no longer controls what happens to him in a voluntary way, it is that is, you no longer decide when you want to play and stop playing but your mind is conditioned by this hook psychological.
Therefore, as we see in this post, this concept has a positive meaning that provides physical and emotional health and another negative side, which, on the contrary, damages well-being and borders on obsession. Fortunately, this addiction can be overcome.
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