Definition of Scotland Yard
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Oct. 2017
The body of policeman The London metropolitan area is internationally known as Scotland Yard or, in its simplified form, as The Yard. It receives this name because its headquarters was originally located on Great Scotland Yard Street, thus called because in the past the Scottish kings settled in this place when they visited London.
Data of interest
The police members of this institution They are popularly known as Peelers, as it was Sir Robert Peel who promoted the creation of Scotland Yard. Another term used is bobby, which also refers to the same individual, as Bobby is a diminutive of Robert.
At present the entire police force is made up of 50,000 members and in the year of its foundation (1829) it had only about 900 police officers.
The River Thames Maritime Police and Bow Street Mounted Patrol are integrated within Scotland Yard.
The members of this body carry out their functions in the London boroughts or boroughs, but they do not have jurisdiction in the City, as this small area of the city has its own police force.
The so-called CID or Criminal Investigation Department is the Department who takes care of the investigation of crimes.
Police officers fall into two categories: uniformed officers and plainclothes detectives. To achieve the category as a detective it is necessary to have a experience prior two years as an agent.
At the end of the 19th century the city of London was shocked by the crimes of Jack the Ripper. This historical episode was investigated by Scotland Yard police, but the Author of crimes.
The character of Sherlock Holmes and his relationship with Scotland Yard
Arthur Conan Doyle was the creator of one of the mythical characters of the literature Universal, Detective Sherlock Holmes. Sometimes the shrewd detective needed the collaboration of the London Metropolitan Police and for this he contacted the character of Inspector Lestrade. In most Sherlock Holmes stories the Scotland Yard policemen appear as good people but not too competent to solve difficult cases.
In the world of fiction, the detective Hercule Poirot created by the novelist Agatha Christie also has contacts with the members of Scotland Yard.
Photo: Fotolia - teracreonte
Themes at Scotland Yard