Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Nov. 2015
Ramadan is a period of fasting that takes place within the Muslim religion. This occurs during a period of one month, in which from dawn to sunset it is not allowed to ingest any type of food or drink. At the same time, during the month of Ramadan it is also not allowed to have sexual relations, smoke, lie or engage in confrontations with others. This religious practice is considered to have a number of physiological benefits for the body (it revitalizes the body due to the saving of Energy that occurs and facilitates the elimination of disposable substances from the body).
In addition to the organic benefits, Ramadan is primarily a method of spiritual purification associated with the Muslim religion. In this sense it is considered that fasting facilitates reflection, self-knowledge and strengthens the discipline character. Another relevant aspect of Ramadan is the fact that it enhances the solidarity among Muslims, as all of them are obliged to respect it and in this way the Muslim community reaffirms the values of unity and cohesion among believers. Consequently, it could be said that Ramadan is associated with the physical and spiritual purity of the individual.
In the Muslim religion it is advised that Ramadan be approached as a experience deep spirituality, in such a way that the believer takes advantage of this period to read the Koran and avoid daily distractions. It is a stage of recollection and dialogue with Allah, because in it you have to ask forgiveness for sins committed and repent of them. At the same time, it is proposed that believers help others, especially people in need.
Some peculiarities
In relation to the dates of Ramadan, it should be noted that it does not always occur in the same period of the year, as it depends on the Islamic calendar (the Islamic calendar is governed by the phases of the Moon and it must be remembered that the solar year does not coincide with the lunar). This feature makes your celebration change every year.
Ramadan is celebrated because it is a commandment of Allah as established in the Koran, the holy book of Muslims.
The kids Those who profess the Muslim religion are not obliged to practice fasting in a radical way. However, it is usual for them to gradually incorporate a partial fast. Ramadan for children is approached as an opportunity to assume their responsibility and as a teaching for your spiritual formation.
The rule The fast of the month of Ramadan does not apply to sick people or pregnant women. In any case, it is frequent that people who cannot fast for some just reason during some days of Ramadan decide to make up these days later.
When members of the family they meet to eat after the long daily fast it is usual that at the end of the meal they go to mosques in which specific prayers are held (night prayers called Tarawih).
Photos: iStock - SoumenNath
Ramadan themes