Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2009
The word radicals corresponds to the plural of the term radical and according to the context in which it is used it has several meanings.
At the behest of the politics, for example, radical is that political stance or position that will always seek to get to the bottom of things. Regardless of the movement political or the ideology concerned, who promotes or promotes a thought Radical will try through its proposals, premises or any other means that it uses to communicate, to establish a profound change in the social or political structures in force. Although on some occasions it is usually associated with those positions called extremists or purists, the Radicalism and radicals do not promote ideas that represent an evil towards society, as may be the case, for example of those organizations Islamic terrorists who hold ideas such as defending their beliefs even if it means death and sacrifice of innocents, but we find radicalism in that outright rejection that they assume with respect to some issues.
A concrete example of radicalism would be the absolute rejection of the issue of abortion, that is, a political party or organization that promotes severe punishments against those who contravene this question, this in particular is called a radical position.
On the other hand and in a totally different context such as chemistry, it is called a free radical molecule that it can be both organic and inorganic and that in its presentation it is generally unstable and therefore has an important reactive power.
Also, the term radical is extremely popular in Argentina since in this way it designates those people who follow and are aligned behind what the Union proposes Civic Radical one of the two most important parties in the country together with the Justicialismo and that was founded towards the end of the XIX century.
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