Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2010
The popular application of this term in our language is to refer to a group of cattle, namely, several animals that belong to the same species, that are together and that also move together; Although it is valid that the word is used for any type of cattle, it is recurrent that it is used to speak more precisely about the goats and sheep, which are the ones that usually behave and move in this way.
A group of cattle, sheep, goats and cows, which all move and live together
Meanwhile, when one looks keenly at these herds, it is surprising to discover that this coexistence It occurs at all levels, that is, not only the animals that make up a herd move together and stay together all the time but also develop behaviors together such as the defense of the group against some threat external.
In the past, when man still did not "own" the land because he barely populated it, it turned out to be very common for herds to occupy the large massive areas that were still unpopulated. However, later, with the advance of man, this situation became less and less frequent. Some of the reasons for this situation have been: the intense settlement, the development of agriculture, the clearing of forests and other processes that have modified the earth's surface and inevitably reduced the areas previously populated by herds.
Regarding this issue and in order to limit the aforementioned disappearance process, it is that fauna reserves have been created in which herds behave with the typical characteristics of a herd and can also preserve their lifestyle wild.
At present it is recurrent to observe the flock of sheep inside a corral, as the enclosure that keeps them together and controlled is called.
The importance of the shepherd in the care of the flock
Meanwhile, the flock is usually guided, cared for and fed by an individual who is popularly known as a shepherd.
This person lives in the country and is specially prepared to carry out the aforementioned tasks; the experience and mastery of the animals is a sine quanom condition to carry out this work.
Not just anyone can do it.
To the job properly speaking it is called grazing, mostly the activity is applied to animals such as sheep, although it is also they usually guide goats and cows to fertile lands so that they can feed themselves and thus gain weight, which is the objective final.
It is a trade that takes thousands of years, when man settled in a place and began to live by raising his animals.
It is also common for specialized dogs to accompany this task, such as German shepherds, denomination that precisely comes to account of this natural inclination that they have to develop this activity.
German Shepherd Dogs, or Police Dogs, as they are also called, are a breed of dog with a natural disposition for guarding and surveillance and of course they apply this in any environment that they are trained, a house, a shop, a field full of sheep, among others.
Group of faithful who are led by a religious or pastor
In the context of religion, it is common for us to find this reference to refer to the group or community of the faithful who follow a belief religious and that are directed by a pastor, who in this case is a religious who shows authority within the religion in question.
Set of individuals who stand out for their docility and obedience to a superior
And also in ordinary and everyday language, taking in some way what its meaning proposes to us. literal of several animals that do everything together, move around and live, the word is also applied to refer to group of people who stand out for their docility and obedience to those directives that a force higher.
“As head of the institution I have to protect my flock.”
This sense usually has a connotation negative given that this group of people is understood as a group incapable of imposing their will and fighting for their rights, On the contrary, they accept, almost unworthily, the designs that an authority proposes, or the context that leads them to develop in that way, because it is so because they have no other chance, since they do not have the means to be able to stand and demand another better deal.
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