Definition of Social Reality
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Maite Nicuesa, in May. 2015
The human being lives in society, is part of a concrete context and the influence of the environment also exerts a notable mark on the individual subject.
This social fabric shows a reality that has its own entity based on the principles, traditions and norms that define the culture of a given environment. All people live in a certain social reality, we are part of an environment in which we interact constantly.
A dynamic reality in which there is permanent interaction
This social reality is not static but dynamic as shown in the evolution history of the villages. Social reality shows the constant influence of the whole and the part (the system and the particular individual). Within this social reality, there is a interaction constant between individuals who establish relationships with each other.
The relationship between oneself and otherness
A relationship that arises from the constant connection between oneself and otherness (the self and the others). In social reality there is also anonymity as shown by the reality that exists in a large city where all individuals are part of a system in which indifference towards the other constitutes the lifestyle of that social reality as a consequence of the massification of a large town.
The language It is one of the most important points of a social reality since the communicative capacity of the social reality of the human being helps to understand the coexistence social of people. Social reality also gives rise to the creation of institutions that aim to offer a service for the good of said community. These institutions also allow to promote the organization in social coexistence.
Sociology studies social reality
The social reality of a developed community that enjoys a good welfare system is marked by an equitable distribution of wealth. On the contrary, there are also social realities in which there are many social inequalities.
The sociology It is the science that objectively studies social reality. A science that studies social phenomena in a historical context-cultural.
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