Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jan. 2013
We understand by reeducation the process by which a person returns to learn what he once learned but due to special circumstances he stopped knowing or lost the ability to reproduce it. Reeducation can be understood in many senses and spaces. It is usually used to refer to situations in which a person must learn something basic or natural such as recovering the mobility of any part of the body lost due to an accident or illness or when the ability to speak or to to write.
Reeducation is a very significant process in a person's life because it assumes that they have gone through a previous stage of education that has been valuable to you, but that you have lost that knowledge or learning and it must be re-educated on the same subject. In the case of older people, this reeducation is very common in relation to health and the body since the person may have to recover through practice and rehabilitation the movement in some sector of the body. This is also common for a person who may have suffered an accident and must be reeducated both physically or motor and mental level (for example when a person must relearn to speak or write due to an accident I laughed).
Reeducation can also be seen as something negative if we understand it as the process by which the conscience, the way to think, the personality someone's is completely changed from the phenomenon known as "brainwashing". Through promises, armed phrases and others figures rhetoric and discourse a person can come to doubt his personality and put it aside completely to build a new personality and even a new one identity around new values, new interests, etc. This form of re-education usually occurs in adulthood of a person since it is considered that a personality or character that already was properly constituted, although it can also happen in adolescence if the individual completely alters her way of being or of understanding the lifetime.
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