Example of Adverbial Phrase
Spanish Classes / / July 04, 2021
A group of words that function as a unit expressing an idea is known as a phrase. At present it is preferred to call the phrases, syntactic groups. Syntactic groups are made up of two or more words. In a phrase or sentence there can be several phrases, each one with a specific function: nominal, verbal, prepositional, adjectival, etc. Phrases are made up of a nucleus that can be a noun, a verb, an adjective, among others. Depending on the type of nucleus, it will be the classification of the phrase.
One of these types is the adverb phrasel. They are constructions or syntactic groups whose core structure is an adverb, which can modify or be modified by another adverb, by an adjective or by a verb. In some cases, adverbial phrases can be a variant of the verb phrase that is characterized by having a verb as its nucleus. That is, when there is a verb phrase, such as I've finished, when an adverb is added, it then forms an adverbial phrase: I have finished exhausted, i finished late, I have finished far
. In this case, the phrase can be classified into either of the two categories, depending on whether the verb or adverb is considered as the core of the phrase.One of the most common functions of the adverbial phrase is that of completely circumstantial:
Today the subway advanced more slowly usual. (More slowly, describes the shape or circumstance of how the subway was moving).
Adverbial phrases are identified in an expression because they contain an adverb as a distinctive element: here, there, below, morning, early, afternoon, after, far, near, aside, also, too, much, little, enough, and derivatives of adjectives, ending in –mente: slowly, quickly, certainly, heavily, etc.
50 examples of sentences with adverbial phrase:
- The mail arrived unusually soon.
- That horse awkwardly slow, is already very old.
- You better chew slowly and slowly food.
- Pleasantly surprised the director was left with the gift.
- What a late It has been done!
- The hours go by faster when you are rapt.
- Certainly never this had happened.
- Sooner a talker falls than a lame man.
- His euphoria was quietly scandalous.
- The infamous dictator.
- If you could fly, you would often have crash landing.
- As slowly as your will it is your work rate.
- I will listen so attentively as I can.
- I remember very vaguely your recommendation.
- So suddenly As it started, the hail stopped.
- The mood is what decays more promptly.
- I felt his hand gently touching my fingers.
- I rarely enjoy a stay pleasantly quiet.
- To be sweetly tender it has its drawbacks.
- Vinegar has a taste pungent acid.
- If slowly I arrive, it is more because of age than illness.
- The painfully sad is that he did not say goodbye.
- The beginning a little sad He finished in full joy.
- If it were possible, I would think again what I said.
- Bathing in the end of the day is very relaxing.
- Man lives and not precisely to scratch the navel.
- It is not easy to walk so perfectly in heels the first time.
- Once you understand it quite easily you explain it.
- If i were So easy, I would have already finished.
- Reptiles are too interesting.
- The poster is Poorly visible.
- The image is too blurry.
- Ends Too easy.
- Sometimes finish earlier.
- That flower is something never seen.
- So cleverly as possible.
- The impossible I do immediately.
- To perform miracles it takes a bit.
- If the day had 26 hours, I could sleep more in the morning.
- Its slowly tedious speech fell asleep to mid-audience.
- LED lighting is the best.
- I'm Extremely boring on this island.
- The strangely weird is that it made no noise.
- How to be the bestbut by trying?
- We Wish You from all my heart a happy new year.
- We inhabit of yore our house.
- She went out on the street again.
- Suddenly everyone was silent.
- From anger he got madly unaware.
- His call was annoyingly habitual.