Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2011
A restatement is to raise an issue or question again.
Raise a matter of interest again, whether at work or personal
Generally, when an issue, plan, or draft that was carried out fails, it is common that before the knowledge of the shortcomings, and with these already clear, it is decided to give it a twist or a rethinking to make it work.
This situation can arise in a company, for example, when a sales project fails. The activities carried out to achieve this will be analyzed one by one and thus it is that errors will be discovered or it will be decided to supplant this or that idea for another. This is a rethink.
Although a stakeout is not for the exclusive use of companies or organizations, when your functioning It is not optimal, it is also a very common issue to appear in people's personal lives.
Because just as it happens with a company, a person can also fail in some personal initiative, such as study, life as a couple, to name just a few, and then, a recurring alternative to get out of that situation is to raise the subject or topic, with some changes of course, to see if restated, proposed from another focus, may be better the next time.
Rethinking is very common in people's personal lives, especially when individual, couple or group projects did not go as expected.
It is a reality that in any order of life, no one will rethink anything if things came out to order, stakeouts only take place when something did not work and then it is sought that it finally materializes or results successful.
Obviously, rethinking does not guarantee that this time it will be great, but what it does ensure is that it will try again, with new weapons and with new impetus to make things work.
When it comes to personal issues, it is common for the person to do a job of introspection that allows them to discover internally why something did not go well.
It is also common for this personal review to be carried out by a professional from the psychology with which therapy is currently carried out, and which will then help, guide the person in the search for the causes of why everything did not go as expected.
On the other hand, you can turn to the advice of a friend or someone with greater experience to guide us or give us insight into failure.
Topography: details of a construction represented on a plan
On the other hand, at the request of the Topography, is called stakeout when process that consists of capturing details represented in plans on the ground, such as the place in which to install the foundation pillars, which had previously been drawn in a flat.
It is an operation that aims to faithfully and strictly transfer the dimensions and shapes that were indicated on a plan and that are part of the technical documentation of a work to be executed.
Staking out is a fundamental part of Topography, because without it it would be practically impossible to proceed with a work. Meanwhile, the necessary axes that are needed to carry out a stakeout are the following: vertical axis, horizontal axis, dimension axis and rotation axis.
When a work is awarded to a construction company, on the ground, the works are carried out inherent in the stakeout of the building to be erected and then what is known as the act of stake out.
This action is absolute responsibility of the project manager who will have to take into account all the questions that have to do with the layout, the building, which involves foundations, structures, masonry work, carpentry, among others.
The environment cannot be bypassed either and must be contained in stakeout.
All this work must be carried out with great rigor and precision, any error can be fatal in the future and of course complicate the execution of the work.
Stake Out Topics