Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2008
The risk is the threat concrete damage that lies on us in every moment and seconds of our lives, but that may or may not materialize at some point, for example, when we go outside we are exposed to an innumerable amount of risky circumstances, such as a flower pot or a balcony that collapses on our humanity, a assault, etc. Any situation or thing that is plausible to cause us some kind of harm is a risk.
This in terms of the most daily risks that have to do fundamentally with the Physical damage To which human beings are prone, meanwhile, there are other types of risks. On one side is the geological risk, this includes earthquakes, earthquakes, avalanches, tsunamis and any other natural disaster that abound and a lot in recent years as a result of the increasingly precarious condition of the planet land. With the advancement of technology, and the instruments of meteorologyToday, many of these risks can be, if not avoided, at least minimized. Such is the case with earthquakes or hurricanes, where although material damage to homes and others is almost inevitable, yes The protection of human life can be achieved, through processes of evacuation of inhabitants of the places that are would affect.
And another type of risk, very in vogue and heard in recent times after the debacle financial of the United States caused by the collapse of the housing market first, followed by the stock exchange and that even caused a domino effect in the rest of the world, is the financial risk. This includes credit, liquidity and market risk. For example, and following the example of the United States, we get tired of hearing from the voices that presumably know the most about this type of scenario. is that this degree of financial destabilization was reached due to the very high risks that many powerful decided to take together with the great owners of the economy.
In this sense, one of the most used terms that is related to financial and economic matters is the famous “country risk”. Country risk is the indicator that serves stock investors (of securities listed on the Stock Exchange) on how reliable the country is to carry out investments of this type. For example, if I have a certain sum of money, and instead of buying property or foreign currency, I decide to buy bonds or debt securities of a country, informing myself about the country risk percentages, I can determine which country is more reliable, that is, with which country I have the best chance of recovering the money from my investment over time agreed. A well-known case is the debt bonds issued by Argentina during the 2001 crisis: the BODEN.
Social crises, situations of conflict international, wars or high default rates are factors that undoubtedly increase country risk, while economic, industrial and economic growth rates rise in gross domestic product (GDP) notably favor the country's situation compared to investors.
And finally, the risks, can be classify into: physical hazards, among which we find noise, extreme temperatures, vibrations, lighting, pressures, infrared and violet radiation. Of this type, the most common risks that we can name are, for example, the risk of exposition constant and prolonged in the sun, performing activities with welders without wearing a protective mask, or discomfort experienced when visiting a place many meters above sea level, and to which we are not accustomed.
Then there are chemicals like powders, fumes, solvents, and liquids. In general, before all types of chemical compounds we always have information or recommendations, suggestions and warnings that we explain about their correct use and about the consequences, or precisely risks that would affect us if you manipulate them in a way wrong. The biological, allergy, glanders, tetanus among others and the occupational, more common in working life, which can be ergonomic (workers' jobs that often have to be hung on scaffolding or buildings) and the most famous of all and that without a doubt everyone who is reading this definition will have suffered: stress or as I like to call it the main evil of the century XXI.
In relation to the latter, during the last decade in many countries the need for all workers, even those that are not legally declared, enjoy protection against accidents during the time and in the space of job. From there, the ART (Occupational Risk Insurers) plans arose that make it easier for the worker to have medical coverage for different work accidents that he may suffer.
Issues at Risk