Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Ago. 2010
We understand by robot all those machines or devices artificially created by man with specific objectives. Robots are usually built to likeness of the human being or of different machines that man has invented in history to carry out different types of activities. It is, then, one of the features most important and always present of the robot, being unable to tell with an automatism if not that depends to a greater or lesser extent on the action of man. This action can be both direct and indirect on the robot.
It could be said that all human creations in terms of machines and technology They must be considered as robots since they all always represented different ways of carrying out activities through orders given by the human being. However, the idea of a robot is often related to more current times, especially with extremely sophisticated technological advances.
Perhaps another very particular element with respect to robots is that it is increasingly sought through them to resemble the human being. This is so both in terms of possibilities of action and also in aesthetic terms: today's robots take forms more and more similar to those of the human being. This is why the
dilemma From the concept of a robot, it goes through the interest that man has in creating machines equal to him, with all that this can mean ethically.But robots are not only those machines similar to human beings, but also a car, a airplane or any technological element can be created from the robotic and have specific functions for each area. Robotics is the discipline that is in charge of working precisely in the creation and improvement of artificial forms that have specific abilities and functions.
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