Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Gabriel Duarte, on Apr. 2015
A rootkit is a program that allows you to hide the actions of another program, usually for malicious purposes. The term rootkit It derives from the union of the words "root" and "kit", being in the first case the name that receives the Username with higher privileges in a Unix system and in the second case referring to a set of tools. Thus a rootkit It can be defined as a set of elements that gives privileges over a certain system in order to manipulate and use it as desired. The rootkit It is effective in hiding from the eyes of the common user and even when operating the antivirus and in this way you can carry out your activities anonymously.
A real security problem
The basic function of rootkit is to grant root or login privileges. administrator someone in a hidden way. The main purpose of this action is to guarantee remote control of a system. In this way, they will be able to to run programs, change configurations or monitor the behavior through the trace query. As we can see, the fact of leaving our system at the mercy of a program of these characteristics can become a real problem in regard to
safety.A rootkit requires the intervention human for deposition within the system. In this way, when for example an unsuspecting person downloads this software by trickery, the problem begins to develop. Indeed, many times it happens that this software has the power to lift the rootkit on memory, starting its activity.
Be careful with the way we use the Internet
It is important to be cautious with those things that we go down to our computer, because the main means for a rootkit installed in it is usually human action, human action that of course has a certain hint of ignorance of what is happening.
A problem that is often imperceptible
The problem of a software like the one we are describing is basically that of its detection once it has interfered in the operating system. Indeed, unfortunately there are variants of these elements that are almost undetectable, which are added to the kernel and have all those privileges necessary to thwart the actions of the most antivirus antivirus effective. It is for the above reasons that it is important to take careful note of the activities we have with the computer, because once the rootkit is installed is difficult to remove, not to say almost impossible.
Themes in Rootkit